How to install free SSL certificate (Let's Encrypt / ZeroSSL) for your domain/subdomain in DirectAdmin
1. Login to your DirectAdmin control panel via the URL [ https://ServerHostName:2222/ or...
How to Configure SPF Record in DirectAdmin for Improved Email Deliverability
Introduction to SPF (Sender Policy Framework) SPF (Sender Policy Framework) is an essential...
How to Enable DKIM in DirectAdmin for Improved Email Security
Introduction to DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email...
How to Configure Remote MySQL Access in DirectAdmin
How to Configure Remote MySQL Access in DirectAdmin This guide will help you set up remote MySQL...
Creating an Email Account in DirectAdmin
Quick Guide to Creating an Email Account in DirectAdmin Create your email account quickly using...
Mail Configuration Settings
Mail Configuration Settings Configure your mail client with the following settings to access...